Making Your Own Silver
Homemade colloidal silver is very easy and very cheap to make. While the materials are easily sourced and you can make gallons for dollars, you are flying blind, and that’s never good when addressing your health. Homemade colloidal silver is often made from silver generators that produce low quality, poorly defined homemade colloidal silver, of mostly unknown purity, concentration, particle size, and particle charge. The lack of control over what is produced creates a greater potential for causing allergic reactions and increasing the toxicity risks.

Let’s start with the most basic – what type of water you use.
To make safe* and effective* colloidal silver, you must have the purest water possible. You know better than to use basic tap water, but the purest water you can get is distilled. While the water may be distilled, it’s not nearly as pure as the water we start with, which meets USP-NF Standards for Pharmaceutical Grade Purified Water. Another name for this level of purity is Water For Injection (WFI), or ultra-pure deionized water. Silver wants to react with anything it can in the water, especially once you rip an electron off! Having ultra-pure water is critically important, so the silver doesn’t react until it is in your body.
Next let’s address the active ingredient: silver.
Everyone uses 99.9% or 99.99% pure silver, but we demand the very finest silver possible. We have pure silver fabricated for us then metallurgically refined to meet the 99.999% purity grade. Purity is verified by third party assay using ISO standards. How do you know the silver you get is pure? Do you get a certificate of analysis from a reputable laboratory, fully accredited to perform the assay? Are you certain the other 0.001% isn’t composed entirely of toxic heavy metals, like mercury, cadmium, aluminum, lead, hexavalent chromium and arsenic? We check for everything, exhaustively.

Control measures. What control measures?
We monitor everything in our manufacturing operations with constant in-process testing, but you likely don’t have an analytical laboratory operating under the stringent Good Laboratory Practices standards to monitor your products at home, leaving you to only judge the color of the liquid you’re making! We monitor numerous attributes during production, ensuring a consistent output and quality, consistently on a batch-to-batch basis and year-to-year. Prior to release, we again test almost a dozen different parameters to make sure that you get the same high-quality product out of each and every bottle, with accurate dosage information and consistent results.
How much is too much? Know your concentration.
What concentration of silver do you have in your liquid? Concentration is critical, since the total concentration of silver determines the safety profile. The only toxicity ever documented from the use of colloidal silver is a permanent blue/gray discoloration of the skin, known as Argyria, which has happened as the result of consuming homemade forms of colloidal silver or concentrated forms of silver products (100 ppm or higher), or exposure to inhalation of silver dust.

Most companies that sell Do-It-Yourself colloidal silver kits recommended a TDS Meter (Total Dissolved Solids) to measure concentration, but a TDS meter is never appropriate for measuring the concentration of a colloidal silver product. TDS meters measure the conductivity of water, then estimate the amount of dissolved solids based on assumptions that are false for colloidal silver, ionic silver and silver hydrosols. TDS meters are incapable of directly measuring colloidal particles and are not appropriate for this type of analysis. Silver concentration must be measured by chemical analysis techniques, such as atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) or inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS), in combination with appropriate sample preparation protocols and instrument calibrations.

What form of silver are you getting?
Since there are no process or quality controls when making homemade colloidal silver, and no analytical laboratory to perform analyses, how do you know what ratio of charge your silver has and therefore the efficacy* of the product? Since the positively charged silver ion has been determined to be the most effective form of silver (i.e., silver that carries a charge, and not elemental [or neutral] silver), how much of your homemade silver possesses a charge? The more charge it has, the less silver you need. Also, is your silver mostly ionic or particulate? What is the particle size and distribution, and what degree of flocculation or aggregation exists? Aggregation can often only be seen with specialized equipment, and results in both dramatically decreased efficacy* and product instability.
In the end, it would be unrealistic for one to make their own acetaminophen in a homemade chemistry kit and expect brand-name quality and efficacy. Why would one attempt to make your own colloidal silver?
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