Throughout history, humans have had a long fascination with silver. The first evidence of silver mining dates back to 3000 B.C. The ancient Egyptians actually valued silver far higher than gold, and the Phoenicians stored water, wine and vinegar in silver bottles because of silver’s antimicrobial benefits.
Today, besides its monetary value, silver has many benefits such as giving immune support,* as a water purifier and a wound and burn treatment.
Many aren’t aware, but to leverage silver for immune support,* we can take a colloidal silver supplement, such as Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol™, the #1 selling silver supplement in the U.S.
Silver is a metal that occurs in nature. Silver can even be found as a trace mineral in some of the natural foods we eat, and is a normal constituent of the mammalian diet. We can find these trace amounts of silver in whole grains, fish, mushrooms, and milk from humans, cows and goats.
All mammalian babies get silver as part of Mother Nature’s initial immune support package when they are nursed! Even spring water, sea water and the water we drink from the tap contains trace amounts of silver.
Other foods that that have trace amounts of silver include shellfish (including oysters) and ice cream.
While trace elements are important to carry out functions and processes in the body,6 the only way to get the most beneficial form of silver for immune support* – positively charged silver ions and silver nanoclusters – is with Sovereign Silver’s Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol which contains just 99.999% pure silver at a safe* low concentration and pharmaceutical-grade purified water.
It’s the natural supplement that can deliver more of the benefits* of silver than Mother Nature can.
Murthy GK, Rhea U. Cadmium and Silver Content of Market Milk. (Food Protection Research; National Center for Urban and Industrial Health – US Public Health Service) Journal of Dairy Science 1968;51(4):610-613. Silver
Silver in Drinking Water; Background Document for Development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality. Geneva 2003. (WHO/SDE/WSH/03.04/14)
Millour, S., et al., (2012). “Strontium, silver, tin, iron, tellurium, gallium, germanium, barium and vanadium levels in foodstuffs from the Second French Total Diet Study.” J. Food Composition & Analysis, 5(2): 108-129.